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The Clark County Fair Association Junior Advisors is an advisory committee to the Clark County Fair Association. The Clark County Fair Association Junior Advisors provide valuable insight, suggestions and assistance from the county's youth to the Clark County Fair Association. The Junior Advisors is comprised of up to 19 members. This group of bright, leadership oriented students will be a part of the Clark County Fair planning process during the year. The goal of the Junior Advisors is to provide community leadership experience for the area's youth while also helping to promote the Clark County Fair.


The Junior Advisors shall have the following duties and responsibilities:


  1. Be familiar at all times with the activities of the Clark County Fair Association through cooperative interaction with the Clark County Fair Association.

  2. Make suggestions to the Clark County Fair Association regarding any facet of Clark County Fair.

  3. Plan at least one special activity during the Clark County Fair as directed and approved by the Clark County Fair Association.

    1. The Junior Advisors assumes control of this activity through development of a budget, assignment of manpower and execution during the Fair with oversight from the Clark County Fair Association.

  4. Assist in preparation for the Fair with specific duties to be assigned by the Fair Manager/CEO and the Clark County Fair Association.

  5. Serve in the role of liaison to youth in Clark County on fair related issues.

  6. Elect two (2) Co-Chairs and other such officers as they Junior Advisors determine are necessary.

  7. Attend all regularly scheduled meetings of the Junior Advisors.

  8. Attend meetings of the board of directors of the Clark County Fair Association as requested by the Clark County Fair Association throughout the year.

  9. Be prepared for meetings by creating and approving minutes, reports and other information.

  10. Examine all evidence before making a judgment and not let personal feelings interfere with their judgment.

  11. Communicate and actively participate in group discussions with a willingness to work with the group in decision making and recognizing that compromise may be necessary to reach group consensus.

  12. Contribute volunteer service hours during pre-Fair, post-Fair, and the Fair itself as required to complete the tasks assigned as Junior Advisors.

  13. Actively participate at special Clark County Fair Association sponsored events.

  14. Interact positively with exhibitors, concessionaires, staff, Clark County Fair Association Board members, and superintendents.

  15. Sign any forms necessary for the safe and efficient management of the Junior Advisors, such as medical consent forms.


Application process, Membership Term and Meeting Process


  1. The application deadline is October fifteenth of each year. The Junior Advisors membership term is from January through. The members shall be chosen by the Clark County Fair Association based on a review of the applications and personal interviews if the Clark County Fair Association believes interviews are necessary.

  2. The term of membership is two years, except for seniors in high school in the first group of Junior Advisors, whose term shall be one year.

  3. Members of the Junior Advisors must be entering freshmen to seniors upon appointment.

  4. The Junior Advisors shall hold one regular monthly meeting at a date and time to be determined and such other meetings as are determined by the Junior Advisors.

  5. Members of the Junior Advisors shall serve without compensation or per diem of any kind, unless stated otherwise in writing by the Clark County Fair Association.


The Clark County Fair Association is hoping to involve some of the area's youth leaders. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Clark County Fair Association Manager/CEO John R. Morrison at 564.397.6180.

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